Friday, 30 November 2012

World AIDS day: What does it mean to me?

International AIDS society
World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day and the first one was held in 1988.In this day we also reflect on  what  so far have been done in fighting the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It is  a day to remember our loved ones who  died or are in critical conditions due to AIDS. In most sub-Saharan African countries, no single family has not been at least once felt the presence of HIV/AIDS.
To some, the world AIDS day reminds them the worst experience they have ever had in their lives,  for example death of a parent, partner or relative . To others, this day reminds them the fact that they are living with HIV  (and of course they are not alone) and the world is trying its level best to find a solution (a permanent cure) to their problems. To others, especially in places that have fewer infections, it is just another normal day, but it might be interesting to read about different stories or news  about the disease or just go on with normal daily activities.
Regardless of the situation: The world through its international organisations such as the United Nations, the International Non-governmental organisations, multinational corporations, national governments, civil society organisations, communities and concerned individuals, see this day as a special day for all people in the world  because  the HIV infection  does not care about your current situation. The virus  does not know geographical borders , it does not know  the race  you belong to, it does not know  your social-economic status, it does not know  your religion, it does not know any of the admirable personal characteristics that  you have and  human beings admire or are attached to.
For that reason, in this day everybody should reflect how s/he has been contributing to the fight of the pandemic from the individual level to the greater role in the community. It is a day that at least at individual level you have to do something( I belive you can), do it with your immediate family members (if you are parent discuss with your children about AIDS and if you are a child or youth ask your parents or guardians about HIV/AIDS). It is a time for everybody to say something on this disease to friends, family, community or  Nation.
 It is also a time to reflect what has been done and what is left to accomplish the desired goal of bringing HIV infection to zero infection. For many people in the developed world, HIV is a manageable disease, it is no longer a death sentence like what happened in the 1980s at the beginning of the pandemic (but it is still deadly). Through the discovery of the antiretroviral drugs, it means that people have managed to live long productive life. Recent studies report that people diagnosed with the disease can live 30 years plus after the diagnosis if they are on antiretroviral therapy.
However, one in four of the HIV positive people have not been diagnosed and half of those who are diagnosed are diagnosed late. Unless we tackle this problem of diagnosing the undiagnosed, death is going to continue.
According to United Nations, the situation in Africa is also encouraging. The number of new HIV infection is falling. In sub-Saharan Africa they droped by a quarter between 2001 to 2011. Tim Martineau speaking with DW said that “What’s strongest is the response in a number of eastern and southern African countries where the epidemic is perhaps at its greatest. Malawi has seen a 72 percent change in incidence, Zambia 58 percent, Namibia 68 percent. Ethiopia has seen a 90 percent decline and South Africa, the country with the biggest epidemic in the world, has seen a decline of 41 percent and there's been a rapidly expanding response there with the new commitment in that country".He also pointed out at the challenges in funding HIV/AIDS interventions in developing countries, pointing to the irregularities in managing HIV/AIDS funds in some countries.

According to TACAIDS, the prevalence of HIV infection in Tanzania is slightly declining. The national prevalence among the sexually active populations (between 15 and 49 years of age) is reported to be 5.7 %. The data shows more women (6.6 %) are infected than men (4.6%). These data shows that there is a lot to do to make Tanzania a HIV/AIDS free country.
Finally, an HIV free generation can be realised only if there is a political commitment in addressing  the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
 NB: Inspired by the International AIDS society call for its members to say something on  what World AIDS day mean to them, I thought of saying something on it! 

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Promoting Health policy and system Research in Developing countries

EVs in Beijing 
It is of no doubt that not only the number of health policy and systems researchers in developing countries that is low, but also the challenges these researchers face in terms of necessary infrastructure to enable them conduct state of the art research independently .The Emerging Voice for Global Health (EVGH) initative of the Institute of Tropical Medicine might probably shade light to addressing the aforementioned issues in developing countries. Allison Stevens, from the Consortium for Health Policy and Systems Analysis in Africa (CHEPSAA) provides a detailed account on the potentials of EVGH in impacting health policy and systems research in developing countries. EVGH initiative is viewed as a platform for young researchers, which encourages them to have their voice heard through presenting research in conference formats and getting intensive skills training as well as content training in methodology. EV4GH brings together 50 young health policy and system researchers, from low and middle income countries and this year, it was Beijing that was the chosen meeting point during the 2nd Global symposium for Health systems research.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Malaria candidate vaccine reduces Malaria by approximately one third
The multicounty malaria vaccine trial that included 6537 children aged between 6 to 12 weeks has proved to be protective only for about 30% .These findings came as a dissapointment because this study was one of the most promising large scale phase III vaccine trial.

The RTS, S malaria candidate vaccine that was expected to protect African children from malaria has shown an unacceptably low protection level. However, the investigators found that, in addition the vaccine reduces episodes of severe Malaria among infants for about 26% up to 14 months after the babies immunised.
The results of this trial were presented at the International African Vaccinology conference in South Africa and simultaneously the New England journal of Medicine (NEJM) published the results.
Dr.Salim Abdulla one of the investigators from Ifakara Health Institute in Tanzania  said that  "and we should may be thinking of first generation vaccine that is targeted only for certain children".
On the other hand, Blaise Genton from Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel, Switzerland that the vaccine might work better at some trial sites than the average reported today.

Despite these results, many scientists acknowledged that this trial has a greater contribution to the science of Malaria Vaccine; also the intensive cooperation of African research centres towards working successfully in this trial was congulatulated. However WHO could not commend anything on these results because the study is yet to be finalised.The study is scheduled to be completed in 2014.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Some insights from the Beijing Symposium on HSR
The Symposium on Health system research was concluded on 3rd November this year.Remarkable progress has been noted interms  of form, content and organisation.The first global  Strategy on  Health policy and system research was announced by WHO.The strategy has three major aims; unifying the world of research and decision making in connection to various displines of research to strengthen health systems. It also aims at contributing to the broader understanding of this field by clarifying the scope of Health policy and systems research.In addition, this strategy is envesieged to serve as an agent for change and calls for more prominent role for Health policy and systems research especially this time when the focus is towards a broader goal of Universal health coverage.
"Inclusion of inovations towards Universal health coverage " was the overall theme of the conference; says Kristof DeCoster when giving his  reflections on the symposium  in the IHP blog. He also points out on the impact health system researchers and the public health community have on power and politicians at country level to the grassroots.
The Beijing statement higlights the concluding statement of the conference and provides the prospects for the 2014 3rd Global symposium on Health systems research.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

2nd Global symposium on Health system Research

The second Global symposium on health system research is scheduled to start tomorrow in Beijing. It is impressive to see that everything and everybody (plenary speakers and participants) is ready.The symposium is dedicated to evaluate progress, sharing insights and recalibrating the agenda of science to accelerate universal health coverage (UHC).
In this symposium , participants will share new state-of-the art evidence on universal health coverage, review the progress towards UHC including progress since the World Healt report of 2010, facilitate greater collaboration and learning communities across desplines, sectors, initiatives and countries. It will also identify and discuss the approaches to strengthern the scientific rigor of health systems research including concepts, frameworks , measures and methods.

The main themes of the conference will be; knowlege translation, state-of-the art research on Health Systems Research (HSR)  and HSR methodologies.Cross-cutting themes include; Innovations in HSR, neglected priorities or population groups in HSR and financing and capacity building for HSR.Moreover the new international society called Health systems global will be officially launched. As in the 1st global symposium on HSR that took place in 2010 in Montreux, Swirtzeland, the emerging voices will actively participate in the symposium. 

Monday, 29 October 2012

Fake ARVs in Tanzania: Consumers at a crossroads

Counterfeit drugs around the World
It is well known that fake drugs cost a lot of lives in developing countries, where it is a home of most of fake drugs. This has been a serious challenge to the integrity of public health systems as well as serious threat to the national security in these countries and probably is a major cause of death (from curable diseases) than anything else.
Of recent, in Tanzania, the Minister of Health and social Welfare , Dr. Hussein Mwinyi  suspended top officials of the Medical sores department (MSD) and halted the production of all drugs by TPI ( alleged to have manufactured fake ARVs) to allow investigation to take place. He also urged all people under medication to continue using ARVs drugs because they are safe as the fake ones have already been removed from the hospitals.
It is by now a public knowledge that most of the drugs produced locally are of low quality due to the widespread corruption in political circles in the country. Also, the fact that global counterfeit black market thrives better in poor countries, makes Tanzania vulnerable in all aspects. The profits from this “crime” are being co-opted by an array of organised criminal groups, who see that this the only way they can survive.
Although the Minister of Health and social welfare has assured the public that the drugs that are in the market today are of good quality, critics can still think that the MSD officials who were suspended are the ones who know exactly what the public is consuming. Earlier this year I posted an article on  fake malaria drugs circulating in the country. The issue here is; who exactly knows the network behind these fake drugs in the country? How can we make our medicines safe? What about the patients who have consumed these fake drugs? The first question might probably be answered by the committee formed by the Minister. I am not sure about the remaining questions!
It has been always said (at least by most policy makers) that having appropriate policies and adequate power to reinforce the policies is the only way to control these crimes. This might be true at least in theory. Corruption has made the aforementioned statement useless because people who are supposed to make (guide the formulation of) such policies and reinforce are the ones who are involved in these criminal networks. I think, it is a time now for the consumers (the victims) to do something rather than waiting for committees or flawed expert reports. Here you are talking of about 500,000 Tanzanians  who are on Antiretroviral therapy

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Public-Private Partnerships in health care: Any prospects for equity?

"We are living in an unfair world, and that gonna not change whether you like or not"!..This was an opening statement by  one of the speakers in a conference on  "the role of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in equity in health care". He was representing a Multinational corporation that has signed more that 200 PPPs in the world, especially in developing countries, where because of poverty, governments find themselves signing such PPPs in order that they can at least provide social services to their people. The company having been working in health care technologies, have facilitated building up to date health care facilities and supplied up to date medical equipment to these countries. The fact that they have technologies and are looking for profits, it is without doubt that they will not provide services to the people without profit. At the time when these deals are signed and implemented, no one can clearly see  that" this as a profit making business" as the recipient governments and the citizens look at what they get at that time, but they don't attribute to what is  going to happen later. The dark side of these partnerships is making the governments or the people dependent to the technologies brought by a partnering company ,in which afterwards, you might find these technologies to be very expensive. These deals have contributed to increased inequalities and poverty in most of the developing countries. It has become at least difficult talking about Social justice when these companies are involved in PPPs
The Private sector ( especially the Multinational corporations and Foundations) is becoming more powerful than governments in developing countries, they take advantage of corrupt governments to sign PPPs that are not advantageous to these countries, but to themselves and the countries they represent.
As a point of departure from imaginary world, he pointed out of the fact that we can not eliminate inequalities in this world, what we can do is just to reduce it by few kilometers.
Public-Private Partneships can take different forms, and sometimes it is difficult  even to know how does a Private sector differ from a public one.
However, this was an example of the Private for profit Multinational companies, that might not represent all what is done by the Private sector in eliminating inequalities in the health sector. The private sector in the health sector  in many developing countries is composed of  Non-for profit foundations, Faith based organisations, Private for profit institutions and Private practitioners (who on part time basis work in Private clinics/ hospitals). Through the Non-for profit and Faith based organisations, alot have been done in eliminating inequalities in the health sector. Different innovations have been encouraged to increase access to health care services even to hard to reach areas. The fact that the role of the government is to provide services its citizens, non-for profit and religious organisations share this goal; therefore this partnership is a partnership that has the same goal, unlike the private for profit multinational corporations.
Should governments in developing countries opt out partnering with profit making multinational corporations  in order to provide equitable social service?

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

One year anniversary of the Occupy movement: A view from the Global South

The Occupy Movement celebrated its first year anniversary on 17 September this year.  The Movement is believed to stem from the Arab springspreading through Spain and Greece to the US. The Arab spring was relatively successful in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya but some other countries in the region such as Syria are still a mess, unfortunately. In the 2011-2012 Spanish protests, also known as 15-M (15 May movement), so called ‘Indignados’ held a series of demonstrations in more than 58 cities demanding radical change in Spanish politics as politicians systematically seem to condone mass unemployment, welfare cuts, brutal neoliberal policy measures and the dominant influence of financial institutions.
The Occupy movement aims at addressing the enormous social economic inequalities that exist in the world today. The initiators of the movement used the slogan “We are the 99%” (i.e. the ‘have nots’). They blame the 1% (the ‘haves’) who control the economy. In New York City, they demonstrated by occupying Wall Street (OWS) pointing out the greed, corrupt deals and excessive influence of corporations on the government, particularly in the financial sector.
Aiming at turning the pyramid upside down, the Occupy movement questions our modern capitalistic societies that in the name of liberalism, democracy (what if democracy is turns out to be an illusion?) and other fancy political economy models ( such as conditional aid and poverty reduction programs by the World Bank) perpetuate socio-economic systems that are fundamentally unjust and in fact often even worsen inequalities in the society. These ‘clever’ models have more in common with plutocracy (whereby an oligarchy of extremely wealthy individuals control the country) rather than with democracy (all people have a say in decisions affecting their lives). Labels as ‘state corporate capitalism’ or a fusion of big capital and the government describe the governance system better than the more politically correct word ‘democracy’, it seems. Nevertheless, although the Occupy movement has spread to many cities across the western world, it is fairly unpopular in the global south.
The unpopularity of this movement in the developing world, especially in Sub-Saharan African countries (SSA), might be attributed to several reasons. The access to social networks (via the internet) that has been a key ingredient of success stories in other parts of the world is still limited in SSA. Moreover, (local) civil society organisations have limited capacities when it comes to mobilising people so as to address social concerns. As for international organisations and agencies, they tend to have their own agenda and might prefer to distance themselves from movements that might trigger uprisings. Furthermore, most of the African governments intimidate people involved in demonstrations; by now these governments are even more alert because of the ugly Arab spring “aftermath” in a number of countries in the Middle East. Also, due to the fact that the majority of the people in these countries are in rural areas, it is easier for governments to limit access to the (at least sometimes) enlightening mainstream media. In addition, history has formed another barrier to these movements, as many countries gained their independence by war. Therefore any group that emerges to initiate such movement might be perceived as a rebel group, rightly or wrongly. There exists no record of successful people’s based movements that managed to change political and economic systems in the past 50 years of independence of most SSA countries.
Admittedly, there have been some Occupy Movements in South Africa. I believe this might be due to the fact that this country’s political economy and background differs from most of the African countries. Countries like Nigeria and Senegal also witnessed Occupy-like movements after fuel subsidy removal and the denouncing of incumbent President Abdoulaye Wade and his decision to run for a third term respectively. Hopefully, with increased globalisation these movements might spread to more countries. Today we witness harsh neoliberal policies in many SSA countries, coupled with the enormous influence of multinational corporations and rampant corruption in African governments. Consequently, the gap between the rich and the poor will probably increase further, which might inspire new Occupy branches. It is also evident that the recent growth figures in African countries have not benefited the majority so far. Combine this with the enlightenment  and rising expectations that tend to come with globalisation, and we might soon see more Occupy (style) movements pop up in many countries .The austerity measures taken in compliance to neoliberal ‘dictates’  ( meant to perpetuate capitalism?) that create  unemployment, open market economies and inflation while cutting government spending  on essential services such as education, health, transport and other essential services that empower and upgrade the living standards of the people, might justify the cause.
Since the Occupy movements are taking different shapes in different settings – from the Arab spring to a diversity of Occupy movements and actions in many cities in the world -, you could also ponder what an Occupy movement means in a country like Tanzania. What I consider an Occupy movement in Tanzania, for example, are the daily strikes among public sector employees (doctors, teachers and other civil servants) and the pro-activeness and courage of many citizens in supporting opposition political parties. In neighbouring countries similar animosities have led to tribal skirmishes, even in the struggle (for example, by Kenyan doctors) for the limited portion which has spilled over to them from the “Big Fish” (the 1%). Little by little, humiliated enlightened youths are developing a rebellious spirit as they are not very pleased with the ‘happy few’ who are unashamedly enriching themselves.
Due to the fact that the right to demonstration and petition is not explicit in the most of the African countries (including Tanzania), in many instances human rights of individuals who support or who are in the frontline of such movements were violated. The recent kidnapping of the coordinator of the doctors’ strike and killing of a journalist by the police on political grounds in Tanzania, point to the fact that many people are in fact supporting the Occupy Movement, but in a different way, a hard way so to speak, as the government is working hard to suppress them by intimidation and often violating their human rights using the police –  in many African countries, the police is like a private organisation that works for the 1%. The use of the police as a silencing tool of late is not only igniting the rage of more potential Occupy Movement members but to some extent even worsening the situation. However, the SSA Occupy movements are not going all the way like the Arab spring movements (who ran similar risks of intimidation, torture and all types of violation of human rights) due to the fact that there is some practice of democracy in most SSA countries. Therefore people might be pleaded to wait for elections where they might elect a leader they like (although this is always tricky due to often massive vote rigging).
In cities where the movement has spread, people have taken to the streets. However, different proponents of the movement have been using different names (that they feel comfortable with) such as Occupy money, Occupy economy and many more. It casts some doubt on whether the proponents have similar demands as the original Occupy Wall Street movement. One year later, in order to gain momentum again, some Germans even suggest a global Occupy brand or NGO that would work to address these issues worldwide. Critics, however, view Occupy Wall Street as just another unorganised ‘feel good’ movement where people demonstrate, discuss their concerns and attract attention… and that’s it. I think that is being oversimplistic, though. Let the supporters cherish the success of the Occupy Movements so far!
The movement might mean different things to different people, but the Occupy movements do have one thing in common: they all point out the vast inequalities that exist in our 21st century world and are perpetuated by financial institutions. The movement emphasizes it’s urgent to do something to liberate the majority of the people who are left without reliable social services, while the happy few (the financial elites) are enjoying their lives big time. In principle, doing away with capitalism (individualism?) calls for a form of collectivism or socialism, but these ideologies seem to have failed as well in the past. Will the Occupy movement come up with another idea? I do not know. However, there is hope that the movements might form a catalyst to other movements that advocate for social justice such as the People’s Health movement, and will help propel Universal health coverage, as without them, UHC could very well remain elusive in our übercapitalist world.
This article is also available at International health policies (IHP) blog as a guest editorial 

Monday, 3 September 2012

African Traditional medicine day: What Impact?

 31st August 21012 was the African traditional medicine day.The theme for this day was"A decade of Traditional Medicine development.What are the impact?
The significance of this day is to rise awareness  of the critical role that traditional medicine plays to improve peoples lives.It is estimated that almost 80% of the African population use traditional medicine.
Tanzania has in particular promoted traditional medicine use and at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare there is a special unit that coordinates traditional medicine use in the country. More over there is a Traditional medicine Institute  at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences that has done allot of  research in traditional medicine.
The National Institute for Medical research has for more than a decade researched on traditional medicine. The research has resulted in a range of modernized traditional medicines all based on indigenous Tanzanian herbs available in various formulations. For instance, Perscan for control of diabetes and Cholesterol, Warbugistat for opportunistic infections for HIV/AIDS and TMS2001 for Malaria and fever ( Trade marks can change). The availability of these medicines provides an opportunity for people to choose between Western and traditional medicine.
Therefore, there is a need of deliberate efforts to sustain these developments and  encourage local industrial production of traditional medicines so that quality is ensured.
However, there is a need of coordinating the provision of traditional medicine  so that people get optimal benefits than being cheated  and hence being  impoverished by catastrophic expenditures from unregistered traditional healers who are not faithful.Also there is a need to keep an eye open to the mushrooming of spiritual healers. The recent Loliondo miracle cure saga has left several scars in the Tanzania alternative medicine practice.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Sierra Leone: Cholera epidemic worsens

The number of people dying due to Cholera outbreak in Sierra Leone is increasing. According to WHO Global Alert and response (GAR), there have been 11653 cases with 216 deaths since the begging of the year. The rate of new cases has accelerated rapidly since the beginning of August: since then, 5 706 cases have been recorded, and two new districts, Bonthe and Kono, have been affected by the epidemic. Ten of the country’s 13 districts are now registering cases and this spread emphasizes the need to rapidly scale up the response.
The government in partnership with Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), UNICEF, WHO, Red Cross and other partners, is implementing the following prevention and control activities: epidemiological investigation, surveillance, case management at established cholera treatment centres, water and sanitation control measures, social mobilization and community education.
There has been a concern that somecommunities are not reached by the interventions, raising the suspicion that the number of people affected might increase significantly in the next month.
Cholera is an infection of the small intestine that causes a large amount of watery diarrhea.It is caused by a bacterium vibrio Cholera that releases a toxin that causes increased release of water from cells in the intestines, which produces severe diarrhoea.  Cholera occurs in places with poor sanitation, crowding, war, and famine

Journalists needed for 2nd Global symposium on Health systems research in Beijing

An announcement for the journalists among you (or if you happen to know a journalist from a low or middle-income country, please forward): the 2nd Global Symposium on Health Systems Research invites journalists from LMICs to apply for travel support, expenses and registration to attend the upcoming Health Systems Research Symposium in Beijing ( scheduled from October 31 to November 3). The event will focus on ‘Inclusion and Innovation towards Universal Health Coverageand will showcase research on the way health systems do and don’t work. August 31, 2012 is the deadline for applications. Application forms and information are available on the Symposium website in the media section.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Ebola sickens more than 20 in Uganda , 14 dead

On Saturday, Ugandan Ministry of Health officials and the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that 14 people had died from the Ebola virus. A spokesperson for the WHO told NPR that thirty-six people are confirmed to have recently had the disease.
More information is found here

Friday, 27 July 2012

Reflections from AIDS2012

The 19th International AIDS conference has just ended today. We have witnessed enriching discussion on the advances on HIV/AIDS science and community actions in response to the pandemic.The key issues have been on the state of the HIV/AIDS science towards cure with vast research looking at a range of different approaches to a possible cure, including:

·         Flushing out and destroying HIV lying dormant in ‘reservoirs’ in the body.
·         stem cell treatment (like that which cured the ‘Berlin Patient’)
·         Starting HIV treatment very soon after infection – an approach that would only work for a small proportion of people with HIV.
Financing HIV/AIDS initiatives and community actions on HIV/AIDS were altogether discussed. Both domestic investments in HIV/AIDS have been increasing in all countries,especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore the new era of fighting HIV/AIDS calls for sharing responsibilities, road map  and global solidarity. 

“Turning the Tide Together”, as a conference key theme was translated in several sub-themes for discussion such as:
  •  Collaboration between the community, the researchers and providers,
  •   Zero New HIV infection, Zero HIV related death and Zero HIV related stigma
  •    Providing care to children orphaned by HIV/AIDS
  • Helping women to help themselves
  •  Respecting the community as part of the solution
  •   Governments keeping their promises
  • Believing that the end of AIDS is within our reach
  • Fully funding the Global Fund
  •   Working in partnership to find an AIDS Vaccine
  • Working as a united front to end AIDS

We saw a lot of optimism in the fight for HIV/AIDS; Debora Messing  message that the AIDS free generation is actually near the reach, is an example of the optimistic messages.
However, there are some issues that needed more discussion and concrete decisions but were not addressed. In his editorial in IHP, Gorki Ooms mentions that Universal Health Coverage was rarely mentioned in AIDS 2012 and casts a doubt whether Universal health coverage can be a uniting force for all health movements due to its ambiguity.
In a view from the cave: AIDS: Turning the Tide or riding the Wave: Tom Murphy sees  AIDS conference as just another show game than a real changer. He indicates that despite the lack of money behind the problem, no financial commitment has been made during the conference.
Some optimism of Global Fund collaborating with PEPFAR to improve aids effectiveness might be one of the promising messages, although critics would wait to see whether it works effectively. 
Mobilizing finances was a hot topic in the AIDS 2012. For more information  visit Show Me the Money: Political commitment , Resources and Pricing session .

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


The 19th International AIDS conference (AIDS2012) will take place from 22-27 July this year in Washington DC in United States of America. This is the premier gathering for people working in HIV/AIDS as well as political, socio-economic and people living with HIV/AIDS. The conference aims at discussing various success and challenges and how to roll out the success stories from around the globe. It is a time to reflect on the achievement s and challenges on the fight of HIV/AIDS. Acknowledging that HIV/AIDS is not only health but a social, economic and political problem, people from all walks of life will convene in Washington DC for that purpose. The conference will cover five major tracks: Basic Science, Clinical Science, Epidemiology and Prevention Science, Social Science, Human Rights and Political Science and Implementation Science, Health Systems and Economics.
 The selection of Washington, D.C. as the site for the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) is the result of years of dedicated advocacy to end the nation’s misguided entry restrictions on people living with HIV – restrictions that were based on fear, rather than science. 
The conference is taking place amidst reduction of funding in HIV/AIDS by the Global fund partners. It is expected that more than discussing issues that focus on the science of the disease, major issues in mobilising funds will be discussed.
However, something to note for the countries with high burden of HIV/AIDs is that they should find ways to make efforts to increase funding various HIV/AIDS programs rather that depending on foreign AID that seems not to work effectively but creates dependence to the donor countries.
More details on the conference can be found here

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Tamko la SIKIKA kuhusu mgomo wa madaktari


SIKIKA ni shirika lisilo la kiserikali linalotekeleza shughuli mbali mbali zenye lengo la kuchochea upatikanaji wa huduma za afya zenye uwiano, viwango na ubora unaokubalika, gharama nafuu na zilizo endelevu. SIKIKA imekuwa mstari wa mbele kufanya tafiti katika sekta ya afya na kuhimiza utekelezaji wa sera, uwajibikaji na upatikanaji wa huduma bora nchini Tanzania.

Kama neno ‘afya’ lilivyo tafsiriwa na Shirika la Afya Ulimwenguni (WHO) Mwaka 1948, sera ya afya ya Taifa (Tanzania Health Policy) ya mwaka 2007, nayo pia inatambua ‘afya’ kama hali ya ukamilifu wa binadamu kiakili, kimwili, kijamii na siyo tu kutokuwepo kwa maradhi. Afya bora ni mhimili wa maendeleo ya mtu binafsi, familia na taifa zima kwa ujumla hasa katika harakati za kuondoa umasikini uliokithiri katika taifa letu.

Katika nchi yetu, mfumo wa utoaji huduma katika sekta ya afya umegawanyika katika ngazi tatu yaani ngazi ya afya ya msingi kama vile zahanati na vituo vya afya, ngazi ya pili kama vile hospitali za wilaya au mikoa na ngazi ya hospitali za rufaa kama vile hospitali ya Muhimbili, Mbeya, Bugando, KCMC na hospitali maalumu kama taasisi ya magonjwa ya kansa ya Ocean Road au hospitali ya magonjwa ya akili ya Milembe. Hospitali hizi za rufaa hushughulika na magonjwa ambayo ama yameshindikana katika hospitali za ngazi za chini au wataalamu waliopo katika ngazi hizo na vifaa vilivyopo haviwezi kutoa huduma stahili kwa magonjwa hayo. Hivyo basi, iwapo kutakuwa na matatizo yanayoathiri utendaji wao wa kazi wa kila siku na kwa kuwa wagonjwa walioletwa katika hospitali hizi za rufaa hawawezi kurudishwa kule walikotoka (ngazi za chini), wagonjwa hawa wasio na hatia ndiyo waumiao kutokana na matatizo hayo.

Migomo ya watumishi katika sekta ya afya ni mojawapo ya matatizo yanayoweza kuathiri utendaji kazi wa wataalamu wa afya, siyo tu katika hospitali za rufaa hata pia katika hospitali za ngazi za chini. Kwa historia ya migomo hii, Mwananchi anayehitaji huduma za afya hana mchango wa moja kwa moja katika
kusababisha migomo ya watumishi wa afya. Mwananchi ameiweka serikali madarakani na analipa kodi ili serikali hiyo itoe huduma bora za kiafya kwake ili awe na nguvu za kujiletea maendeleo yake na taifa kwa ujumla.


Kwa muda mrefu sasa, kumekuwa na migomo ya mara kwa mara kuanzia kwa wanafunzi wa vyuo vikuu mpaka kwa wafanyankazi wa serikali. Mwaka 2001, tulishuhudia mgomo mkubwa wa wanafunzi wa chuo cha Sayansi za tiba Muhimbili wakishinikiza uboreshwaji wa mazingira ya kusomea hasa masomo kwa vitendo. Mwaka 2005, tukashuhudia mgomo mkubwa wa madaktari wa hospitali ya Muhimbili na sehemu nyinginezo waliokuwa wakidai uboreshwaji wa maslahi yao, mgomo ambao uliathiri utoaji huduma katika hospitali nyingi hasa za rufaa. Kuelekea Mwaka jana, vuguvugu la mgomo wa madaktari lilipelekea kuwepo kwa mgomo mwanzoni wa mwaka huu ambao umekuwa ukiendelea kwa vipindi tofauti hadi sasa.

Japo serikali imekuwa ikitafuta njia za mkato kuendeleza huduma katika hospitali ya Muhimbili kama vile kuleta madaktari waliostaafu ama madaktari kutoka jeshini ambao hawakidhi mahitaji ya huduma katika hospitali hiyo ya Taifa, huduma katika hospitali nyingine zisizonufaika na njia hizi za mkato hudorora siku hadi siku kwa kipindi chote cha migomo huku wananchi wakiendelea kupata taabu.

Vitendo vya ukiukwaji wa haki za binadamu kama vile kutekwa na kupigwa kwa Mwenyekiti wa kamati maalumu ya Jumuiya ya madaktari iyosimamia madai yao, Dr. Stephen Ulimboka, ubabe, vitisho na matumizi ya nguvu dhidi ya madaktari wanaodai haki zao badala ya kutatua matatizo hayo kwa njia ya amani, siyo tu vinakiuka Katiba ya nchi inayojichanganua kimataifa kama nchi ya amani bali pia vimepunguza morali ya watumishi hawa kutoa huduma kwa wananchi ambao kama tulivyosema awali hawana mchango wa moja kwa moja katika kusababisha mgogoro huu.

M a d a i   y a   M a d a k t a r i .

Katika mgomo huu unaoendelea, madai ya madaktari, mbali na dai la awali la kusisitiza kuondolewa kwa viongozi wakuu katika wizara ya afya wanaokwamisha maendeleo ya sekta hii, madai yao yamejikita katika sehemu kuu mbili ambazo ni uboreshwaji wa mazingira ya kazi na vifaa vya tiba na Uboreshwaji wa kipato, kinga na afya za madaktari (Mishahara, posho na Bima ya afya).

U b o r e s h w a j i   w a   m a z i n g i r a   y a   k u f a n y i a   k a z i   n a   v i f a a   v y a   t i b a

Kulingana na maelezo ya madaktari, hii ndiyo hoja kubwa katika madai yao ambayo inalenga kuhimiza serikali kukarabati miundombinu ya afya, kuongeza vitanda na kuongeza upatikanaji wa vifaa vya kutendea kazi. Katika tamko la jumuiya ya madaktari Tanzania lililotolewa kwa waandishi wa habari tarehe 28 Juni 2012, sehemu ya tamko hilo inasema:

“…Madaktari  wamechoka  kuona  huduma  za  afya  nchini  zikizidi  kudorora  mwaka  hadi  mwaka…

…  Tumechoka  kuona  wagonjwa  wakilala  chini  na  watoto  wakilala  wanne  katika  kitanda  kimoja…

…Tumechoka kuona msongamano mkubwa wa wagonjwa katika hospitali zetu huku kukiwa hakuna mpango wowote wa uboreshaji…

…Tumechoka kuona wagonjwa wakikosa dawa, vipimo sahihi na watumishi wa afya wakifanya kazi katika mazingira magumu yanayoviza ubora wa huduma na misingi ya taaluma…

…  Kwahiyo,  kwa  moyo  wetu  leo,  tumejitolea  kutetea  uboreshaji  wa  sekta  ya  afya  ….’’

Sera ya Taifa ya afya ya mwaka 2007 katika kipengele kinachohusu rasilimali watu inasema;

‘… Uboreshaji wa mazingira ya kazi ikiwa ni pamoja na upatikanaji wa vitendea kazi vya kutosha kwawatumishi wa afya…

… Kuweka vivutio katika sehemu zenye mazingira magumu na hatarishi ili kuwavutia wataalamu kwenda kufanya kazi katika sehemu hizo…

Katika madai ya awali ya madaktari, walisikitishwa na wimbi kubwa la viongozi wa kisiasa na serikali wanaotibiwa nje ya nchi. Zaidi ya hayo, madaktari walibaki kuwa waidhinishaji wa rufaa za kwenda kutibiwa nje ya nchi. Hali hii, siyo tu inaweza kuongeza mwingilio wa maamuzi ya kitaalamu kwa shinikizo za watawala wa kisiasa kwa kuwashinikiza madaktari kutoa rufaa kinyume na maadili yao, bali pia inapunguza nia ya kisiasa ama ‘political will’ ya viongozi wa kisiasa na serikali katika kushughulikia kero za afya za wananchi kwa kuwa ‘wao’ wana uhakika wa matibabu nje ya nchi. Hali hii siyo tu inaondoa usawa wa kimatibabu kati ya viongozi na wananchi, na serikali kutumia fedha nyingi ambazo zingeweza kutumika kuboresha sekta ya afya hapa nchini bali pia nchi hushindwa kuwa na miundo mbinu ya uhakika ya kushughulikia magonjwa ya dharura ambayo muda hautaruhusu kutibiwa nje ya nchi. Nchini Malawi kwa mfano, kifo cha Rais Bingu wa Mutharika, kutokana na shinikizo la damu tarehe 5 Aprili mwaka huu kilihusishwa na serikali yake kushindwa kuboresha miundombinu na huduma za afya nchini mwake.

Katika utafiti wa Sikika kuhusu upatikanaji wa madawa na vifaa tiba uliofanyika katika wilaya 71 mwaka 2011, waganga wakuu wa wilaya waliohojiwa, walithibitisha kutokuwepo kwa gozi (gauze) katika asilimia 48 ya wilaya zote huku asilimia 44% ya wilaya zikiwa na gozi zisizotosheleza mahitaji. Katika ngazi ya vituo vya afya na zahanati, asilimia 63% hazikuwa na gozi huku asilimia 27% ikiwa haina gozi za kutosha. Kukosekana au kuwa na idadi pungufu ikilinganishwa na mahitaji uliendelea kuwepo kwa kati ya miezi mitatu hadi sita. Vivyo hivyo, katika ngazi za wilaya, glovu (surgical gloves) hazikuwepo katika asilimia 28% ya wilaya, dawa za kutibu malaria aina ya ALU asilimia 32% ya wilaya na sindano za Quinine asilimia 13% ya wilaya zote zilizoshiriki katika utafiti. Katika ngazi ya vituo vya afya na zahanati, asilimia 17% hazikuwa na glovu, asilimia 30% hazikuwa na ALU, asilimia 23% hazikuwa na sindano za Quinine na asilimia 17% haikuwa na vidonge vya Amoxcycillin. Katika utafiti huo pia, Sikika iligundua kuwa katika ngazi ya wilaya asilimia 93% ya wilaya hupata dawa na vifaa tiba chini ya maombi na mahitaji halisi na katika ngazi ya vituo vya afya na zahanati asilimia 90% hupata dawa na vifaa vya tiba chini ya maombi na mahitaji halisi.

Yapo madhara makubwa yatokanayo na upungufu wa dawa na vifaa vya tiba. Madhara hayo yaweza kupelekea kuona wagonjwa waliozidiwa au walio na dharura pekee (critical patients & emergencies) hali ambayo inajitokeza katika zahanati na vituo vya afya vingi. Madhara mengine ni kuongezeka kwa usugu wa vimelea vya magonjwa dhidi ya dawa kutokana na kupata kiasi kidogo, kuongezeka kwa madhara ya magonjwa yatokanayo na kutopata tiba sahihi (complications) kama ulemavu kwa watoto ambao wamekosa tiba sahihi ya malaria, kuongezeka kwa malalamiko toka kwa wananchi dhidi ya watumishi wa afya na mbaya zaidi kupungua kwa morali ya kazi kwa watumishi wa afya na kufanya kazi kinyume na misingi au maadili ya kitaalamu kama walivyosema madaktari hapo juu, mazingira magumu yanayoviza ubora wa huduma na misingi ya taaluma’.

Wengi wetu ni mashahidi wa huduma zisizoridhisha katika hospitali za serikali, msongamano wa wagonjwa wodini hasa akinamama na watoto, ukosefu wa mara kwa mara wa vifaa vya tiba na matatizo mengine.

Tanzania hupoteza takribani asilimia 6% ya wagonjwa wanaohitaji huduma za CT Scan kwa mwaka. Hata hivyo, kifaa cha CT Scan katika hospitali ya Muhimbili kimeharibika kwa zaidi ya miezi saba sasa bila matengenezo ikiwalazimu wagonjwa wanaohitaji majibu ya kipimo hicho ili wapate tiba stahili, kwenda katika hospitali binafsi. Gharama za kipimo hicho katika hospitali ya Muhimbili ni takribani shilingi 170,000/= lakini katika hospitali binafsi ni kati ya shilingi 200,000/= hadi 500,000/=. Mbali ya hayo, katika ufuatiliaji wa Sikika wa mwaka 2011 kwenye wilaya 6 za mkoa wa Dar Es salaam, Pwani na

Dodoma, kati ya vituo 38 vinavyotoa huduma kwa watu waishio na VVU (Care and treatment Centers) ni vituo 13 tu vilivyokuwa na mashine za CD4+ zinazotumika kuangalia maendeleo ya tiba kwa watu waishio na VVU na kati ya hizo ni mashine tano (5) ndizo zilikuwa zikifanya kazi. Ni wajibu wa serikali kuboresha mazingira ya kazi ya watumishi wa afya na kuhakikisha upatikanaji wa vifaa tiba kwa muda wote, kwa sababu hii Sikika tunaungana na madaktari katika kudai uboreshaji wa mazingira ya kazi kwa watumishi wa afya, kuhakikisha dawa na vifaa tiba vinapatika hasa maeneo ya vijijini ili kuboresha afya za wananchi kwa maendeleo yao na taifa kwa ujumla.

U b o r e s h a j i   w a   k i p a t o ,   k i n g a   n a   a f y a   z a   m a d a k t a r i   ( M s h a h a r a ,   p o s h o ,   B i m a   y a   a f y a ) .

Madai mengine ya madaktari ni uboreshwaji wa mapato yao ikiwa ni pamoja na mishahara, posho ya kuitwa kazini baada ya saa za kazi (on call allowance), posho ya kufanya kazi katika mazingira magumu (hardship allowance) na posho ya makazi. Vile vile madaktari wanadai posho ya kufanya kazi katika mazingira hatarishi (risk allowance) na chanjo ambayo ni muhimu ili kuzuia uwezekano wa madaktari kupata magonjwa ambayo wanaweza kuyasambaza kwa wagonjwa wengine ambao tayari wana matatizo yao ya kiafya.

Madai  ya  nyongeza  ya  mishahara

Katika madai yao ya mishahara, madaktari walipendekeza kiwango cha shilingi milioni 3.5 kwa mwezi. Hata hivyo, wakati akiongea na madaktari Tarehe 9/2/2012, waziri mkuu Mh. Mizengo Pinda alitoa ufafanuzi wa madai yanayohusu maslahi ya watumishi wa afya bila kutoa majibu ya moja kwa moja ya kiwango gani kitalipwa na serikali kama mishahara na posho kwa sababu ‘wataalamu’ walikuwa wanafanyia kazi suala hilo ili waweze kumshauri, na hadi sasa serikali haijatamka kiwango halisi itakachoweza kulipa. Pia waziri mkuu hakuweza kueleza moja kwa moja kuhusu madai ya uboreshaji wa mazingira ya kazi na upatikanaji wa vifaa tiba. Kwa sasa, mshahara wa daktari ni Tshs 957,700/= na baada ya makato ya kodi hubaki na Tshs 680,000/= kwa mwezi. Katika ufuatiliaji wa Sikika wa Disemba 2011 hadi January 2012, katika hospitali ya Regency, ilibainika kuwa hakuna daktari anayepata mshahara chini ya shilingi milioni mbili (gross pay) na Agha Khan hospitali, daktari mwenye uzoefu wa chini ya miaka minne alikuwa akilipwa shilingi milioni 1.8 kuachilia mbali mafao mengine kama vile bima ya afya, posho za nyumba n.k. Sikika inatarajia kuwa serikali pia itaboresha mishahara ya madaktari na mafao mengine ili kuongeza tija katika hospitali za umma.
Madai  ya  Posho

Katika madai yao, madaktari wamependekeza viwango vifuatavyo kwa posho mbali mbali: posho ya muda wa ziada wa kazi (call allowance) asilimia 5% ya mshahara kama ilivyo kisheria kwa kada yoyote; posho ya kufanya kazi katika mazingira magumu asilimia 40% ya mshahara; posho ya makazi asilimia 40% au nyumba kama ilivyo kisheria na posho ya kufanya kazi katika mazingira hatarishi asilimia 30% au chanjo (Homa ya ini-hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, TB)

Hoja  za  Serikali

Serikali imeendelea kusisitiza ufinyu wa bajeti na kwamba, kuwaongezea mishahara madaktari peke yao kutaondoa ulinganifu na kuongeza migogoro katika sekta nyingine. Hata hivyo, sehemu ya sheria ya kazi ya mwaka 2004 (Employment and Labour Relations Act, Kifungu cha 6: (20) (4)), inasomeka hivi “Mwajiri atamlipa mwajiriwa walau 5% ya mshahara wa msingi wa mwajiriwa kwa kila saa aliyofanya kazi usiku’’.

Kwa mahesabu rahisi, daktari alipaswa kupata angalau Tshs 47,000/= kwa saa anapofanya kazi usiku. Hata hivyo waraka wa serikali wenye Kumb. No. C/AC.17/45/01/F/73 wa tarehe 21 February 2012 kutoka kwa George D. Yambesi (Katibu Mkuu Utumishi) kwenda kwa Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii wenye kichwa, ‘Malipo ya kuitwa kufanya kazi baada ya saa za kazi (On call allowance)’ unaelekeza kulipa viwango vifuatavyo kwa siku kwa watumishi wa afya kuanzia tarehe 9 February 2012 (Siku 12 Nyuma);Wataalamu bingwa Tshs 25,000/= na madaktari wa kati Tshs 20,000/=. Katika nchi ya jirani ya Kenya kwa barua yenye Kumb No. MSPS/2/1/3A Vol.III/(77), ya tarehe 12 January 2012 toka ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu kwenda kwa Katibu Mkuu wa wizara husika, madaktari, wataalamu wa kinywa na wafamasia wanalipwa takribani Tshs 38,000/= kama posho ya ‘call allowance’ hali ambayo inaweza kusababisha kupungua kwa rasilimali watu katika sekta ya afya nchini Tanzania (Brain Drain) kwa kukimbilia nchi jirani kufuata kipato kizuri hasa wakati huu wa soko huria la ajira katika shirikisho la Afrika Mashariki.

Sikika imekuwa mstari wa mbele kupinga pesa zinazotumika kama posho za vikao kwa watumishi ambao tayari wanalipwa mishahara kwa kazi husika. Hata hivyo, katika waraka wenye Kumb. No.C/AC.17/45/01/125 wa tarehe 11 Februari 2010 wenye kichwa ‘Waraka wa Utumishi wa Serikali Na.2 wa mwaka 2010: Posho ya vikao (Sitting Allowance) Serikalini,’ viwango ‘vipya’ vya posho ya vikao vilivyotajwa ni Mwenyekiti/Katibu 200,000/=, Wajumbe 150,000/= na sekretarieti 100,000/=. Posho hizi kubwa si tu kwamba zinadhihirisha matumizi mabaya ya fedha za walipa kodi bali pia zinapunguza
nguvu kazi katika sekta ya afya kwani watumishi wengi wanahangaika kutafuta nafasi ya kushiriki katika vikao badala ya kufanya kazi zao.

Hoja ya ‘ulinganifu’ au ‘lawama’ kwa sekta nyingine haina nguvu kwani nchini Marekani kwa mfano, pato la daktari ni zaidi ya mara 100 ya kima cha chini cha mshahara kwa saa katika nchi hiyo, na nchini Botswana, ambako Madaktari wengi Watanzania hukimbilia kwa sababu za kimaslahi, mshahara wa daktari ni sawa na Tshs kati ya milioni 3.2 hadi 5.8 kwa mwezi. Hoja hii pia, kwamba madaktari wakipewa mshahara mkubwa italeta malalamiko katika kada nyingine inadhihirisha jinsi ambavyo serikali inawakandamiza kimaslahi watumishi wake. Hili lilidhihirika wakati wa mgomo wa walimu mwaka 2010, Kaimu Katibu Mkuu wa shirikisho la vyama vya wafanyakazi (TUCTA) bwana Nicholas Mgaya, alisema … ‘Tumedai kwamba Kima cha chini cha mishahara kiwe ni Tshs 315,000/=. …………lakini
serikali ikang’ang’ania Tshs 135,000/= kiasi ambacho bado ni kidogo’’ (Daily News, August, 2010). Vivyo hivyo, utafiti wa “Motivation of Health Care Workers in Tanzania: A Case Study of Muhimbili National Hospital”uliotolewa katika Jarida la East African Journal of Public Health Volume 5 Number 1, April 2008 ulionesha kuwa Asilimia 88 ya watumishi waliamini kuwa mwajiri wao hawajali (madaktari asilimia 82.4, wauguzi asilimia 90.7 na watumishi wengine asilimia 87.9). Hata hivyo sababu tatu kubwa zilizoonekana kuwafanya watumishi hao kutokuwa na motisha mzuri wa kazi ni mishahara, mazingira ya kazi, na vifaa duni vya kazi na asilimia 30 ya wauguzi walikuwa hawajaridhika na kazi zao kiasi cha kutaka kuacha kazi hizo. Hali ya kuwa serikali imekuwa haikubali mapendekezo ya watumishi wake au hata mapendekezo ya tume zinazoundwa na serikali yenyewe hasa katika uboreshaji wa maslahi ya wafanyakazi wa sekta ya afya kwa ujumla, inatufanya Sikika tuungane na madaktari katika madai yao.

Katika bajeti ya sasa 2012/213, kipengele cha uendelezaji wa rasilimali watu katika sekta ya afya kimetengewa bilioni 23.4 na matumizi ya kawaida (recurrent expenditure) yametengewa Tshs bilioni 24.5). Hata hivyo kati ya fedha iliyotengwa kuendeleza rasilimali watu, bilioni 21.6 sawa na asilimia 92.3% inategemea msaada wa wafadhili. Hali hii ya utegemeji inapingana na sera ya afya ya Taifa inayotamka kuwa serikali iwe mfadhili mkuu wa sekta ya afya.

Wakati huo huo, mpango mkakati wa sekta ya afya (Health Sector Strategic Plan III) umeweka malengo ya bajeti ya sekta ya afya kufikia asilimia 10% ya bajeti yote ya serikali mwaka 2015. Hii inapingana na azimio la Abuja (asilimia 15) ambalo Rais wetu alitia saini na inapingana pia na sera ya afya ya mwaka 2007 inaposema, ‘Serikali itaendelea kuongeza bajeti ya sekta ya afya …hadi kufikia azimio la Abuja….ilikukidhi mahitaji muhimu ya kisekta’ . Kwa ukiukwaji wa makubaliano ya azimio la Abuja na kutoitekeleza sera ya afya ya Taifa kama inavyotakiwa, yote haya yanadhihirisha kuwa serikali haina nia ya dhati ya kusimamia maamuzi yake katika ngazi za kimataifa na kitaifa.

Tukirejea tena katika sera ya afya ya mwaka 2007 inasema, ‘kuwepo kwa watumishi wa kutosha wenye ujuzikatika ngazi zote za kutolea huduma kulingana na vigezo vilivyokubalika’. Udaktari ni mojawapo ya fani ambazo katika nchi nyingi zimepewa jina la ‘scarce skills’ yaani ujuzi adimu. Kwa miaka kadhaa sasa, idadi kubwa ya wanafunzi wa shule katika ngazi za chini wameendelea kuyakimbia masomo ya sayansi na wanafunzi wanaodahiliwa kusomea masomo ya udaktari ni wale ambao kiwango chao cha ufaulu katika masomo ya fizikia, kemia na biologia kiko juu sana, hivyo madaktari kulipwa mishahara mikubwa ili waweze kuokoa maisha ya watanzania si tatizo, kwa maoni ya Sikika.

Tena, hoja ya ufinyu wa bajeti inakosa nguvu katika madai haya kwani, katika tafiti za Sikika tumeonyesha jinsi ambayo serikali imeendelea kuwa na matumizi mabovu ya fedha za walipa kodi na ukosefu wa vipaumbele katika matumizi yake.

Katika chapisho la Sikika lenye kichwa, ‘Matumizi yasiyo ya lazima, Taarifa fupi kuhusu mpango wa serikalikatika kuangalia Upya matumizi’ toleo no. 2 la July 2010 lililotolewa kwa ushirikiano wa Policy forumlinaonyesha kuwa matumizi yasiyo ya lazima serikalini yalikuwa bilioni 684 mwaka 2008/09, billioni 530 mwaka 2009/10 na bilioni 537 mwaka 2010/11. Zaidi ya hayo,, matumizi katika posho mbali mbali yaliongezeka toka bilioni 171 mwaka 2008/09 hadi bilioni 269 mwaka 2010/11. Gharama za kusafiri nje na ndani ya nchi zilikuwa bilioni 155 mwaka 2008/09 na bilioni 124 mwaka 2010/11. Gharama za mafuta ya kuendeshea na kulainisha magari ya kifahari ya serikali (Mbali na ununuzi) zilikuwa zaidi ya bilioni 52 mwaka 2010/11 na manunuzi ya magari ya serikali yaligharimu Bilioni 15.3 mwaka 2010/11 pekee. Mbali ya hayo, serikali imekosa vipaumbele katika matumizi yake mfano ni matumizi ya zaidi ya bilioni moja kwenye wizara ya afya wakati wa sherehe za Nane Nane..

Katika sekta ya afya pekee, matumizi yasiyo ya lazima (unnecessary expenditure) yaliongezeka toka bilioni 16.1 mwaka 2010/11 hadi bilioni 22 mwaka 2011/12, na inakadiriwa kufikia bilioni 25 katika bajeti ya 2012/13, posho mbalimbali zikiongoza katika matumizi. Posho hizo zinalenga watu wachache sana hasa watawala na hazina tija katika utoaji wa huduma za afya. Posho zimefanya utendaji kazi uwe hafifu na kupunguza uwajibikaji ilhali watumishi wasio katika nafasi za kitawala wakiendelea kuambulia maslahi madogo

Taarifa za CAG pia zinadhihirisha matumizi mabovu na usimizi mbovu wa rasilimali za taifa kwa mfano msamaha wa kodi uliongezeka toka bilioni 680 mwaka 2009/2010 hadi Trilioni 1.016 kwa mwaka wa 2010/11. Hii inawakilisha asilimia 18% makusanyo yote ya pato la Taifa na ni kiwango kikubwa sana kuliko nchi nyingi za Afrika. Matumizi yasiyokusudiwa bilioni 8, bilioni 31 zimelipia vifaa ambavyo havikufika na Malipo yanayotia shaka bilioni 1.4.

R a s i m a l i   w a t u   k a t i k a   S e k t a   y a   A f y a

Tumeshuhudia matamko ya hospitali kadhaa hospitali za mikoa ya Mbeya, Dodoma, Morogoro, Kilimanjaro na Mwanza zikiwafukuza madaktari waliogoma badala ya kushiriki katika kutatua mgogoro huu ili warejee kazini na kuepuka kupoteza nguvu kazi yenye upungufu mkubwa katika sekta ya afya. Shirika la afya duniani (World Health Organization), linapendekeza kwamba kila daktari anatakiwa ahudumie watu wasiozidi 5,000. Kwa mujibu mkutano mkuu wa chama cha madaktari Tanzania (MAT) tarehe 10 hadi 11 August, 2010 pale Mlimani city, uwiano wa daktari mmoja kwa idadi ya watu ulikuwa 1:300 wakati wa uhuru na hali ikawa mbaya kwa kasi hadi uwiano wa 1: 30,000 mwaka 2010. Kwa upande wa wafamasia kwa mfano, wakati kukiwa na vituo vya kutolea dawa 4,185 vya serikali na 1,056 vya binafsi nchini mwaka 2009, kulikuwa na wataalamu 1,506 pekee waliopata mafunzo ya ufamasia na wafamasia 703 wenye shahada ya ufamasia. Katika utafiti wa Sikika wa HRH Tracking Study 2010, ulionyesha kuwa asilimia 54% ya wilaya zote zilizoshiriki katika utafiti zilikuwa na upungufu mkubwa wa watumishi wa afya. Hata hivyo, idadi ya watumishi wanaopangiwa vituo vya kazi na kuripoti ni asilimia 70% kwa wilaya za vijijini na asilimia 93% kwa wilaya za mijini. Zaidi ya hayo, wilaya nyingi hazipati wafanyakazi kulingana na maombi yao, kwa mfano katika utafiti huu, wilaya nyingi zilipata ni asilimia 35% ya wafanyakazi katika maombi yao, huku hali ikiwa mbaya maeneo ya vijijini.

Katika mpango wa kukuza rasilimali watu unaoisha mwaka 2013, bajeti ya jumla ya mpango huo ilikiwa bilioni 470, wastani wa bilioni 91 kwa mwaka. Mwaka 2011/12, wizara ya afya na ustawi wa jamii iliomba bilioni 66.3 ili kutekeleza mkakati wa rasilimali watu kisekta, hata hivyo serikali ilitenga bilioni 13.2 pekee na hadi kufikia January 2012, asilimia 20% (bilioni 2.7) pekee ndiyo iliyokuwa imetolewa kwa wizara.

Wakati mkakati wa kuboresha sekta ya afya (HSSP III) ukionyesha upungufu wa rasilimali watu kufikia 92,000, mpango wa ukuzaji wa afya ya msingi (Primary Health Service Development Program 2007-2017) unahitaji watumishi wa afya 137,813 kuutekeleza. Hata hivyo, udahili katika vyuo vya afya kwa mwaka 2010 ulikuwa wanafunzi 6,949 pekee, na iwapo udahili hautaongezeka, tutahitaji miaka 21 ili kuziba pengo la watumishi katika mpango wa kukuza afya ya msingi (PHSDP) iwapo mambo yatabaki kama yaliyo. Hii inaonyesha kuwa tutaendelea kuwa na upungufu wa watumishi wa afya kwa miaka mingi ijayo. Hata hivyo, katika mwendelezo wa hotuba zake za kila mwisho wa mwezi, Tarehe 01/07/2012, mheshimiwa Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, siyo tu amedhihirisha kutokutilia maanani upungufu mkubwa wa wataalamu wa afya unaoisumbua nchi yetu, bali pia kama kiongozi wa nchi, ameonyesha jinsi ambavyo serikali ilivyo tayari kupoteza rasilimali hii adimu kwa kushindwa kutatua mgogoro kati yake na madaktari, ambao iwapo wataamua kuacha kazi wote, itatuchukua miaka mingi kuziba pengo hilo.

H i t i m i s h o

Kwanza, kutokana na mapungufu mengi tuliyoeleza hapo juu, Sikika inaona kuwa madai ya madaktari ni ya msingi na tunaamini kuwa serikali inaweza kuboresha huduma za afya na maslahi ya wafanyakazi hasa ikidhibiti matumizi yasiyo ya lazima, ikidhibiti ufujaji wa kodi za wananchi kwa baadhi ya watendaji wake, ikipunguza misamaha ya kodi na ikitekeleza mikakati iliyopo katika sera zake kikamilifu.

Pili, Sikika inaungana na madaktari, wanaharakati na wananchi kulaani vitendo vya ukiukwaji wa haki za binadamu aliofanyiwa mwenyekiti wa kamati maalumu ya jumuiya ya madaktari Dr. Stephen Ulimboka na kupendekeza uundwaji wa tume huru yenye mchanganyiko wa wananchi katika kuchunguza tukio hilo.

Tatu, Sikika inaihimiza serikali kuacha kutumia vitisho na ubabe katika kutatua mgogoro wake na madaktari. Vitendo hivi vinaweza kupunguza morali na ufanisi wa madaktari kiutendaji na pengine kupelekea wengine kuhama sekta ya afya au kukimbilia nje ya nchi. Badala yake serikali ifanye mapatano na wataalamu hawa muhimu, ili waweze kurejea kazini haraka kutoa huduma kwa wananchi wanaoendelea kuumia kwa kukosa huduma

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